Adult Medicaid

Adult Medicaid is a needs-based health insurance program for seniors over the age of 65 and disabled adults of any age. Federal and state laws and regulations govern Medicaid. Income limits are subject to change annually and there are resource limits for each program.

Contact an Adult Medicaid caseworker at 336-593-2861 for more information or visit the:
Division of Medical Assistance.

Private Living Arrangement assists eligible seniors and disabled adults who live in a non-institutional setting.  Long-Term Care assists eligible individuals (including some children) in nursing facilities, state mental hospitals, adult care homes, and those hospitalized for 30 days or longer.

Adult Medicaid applications can be taken in person at the office, by phone, or by using:

The application can be found here: Application

Appendix A: Health Coverage from Jobs (espanol)
Appendix B: American Indian or Alaska Native Family Member (espanol)
Appendix C: Designation of Authorized Representative (espanol)
Appendix E: Medical Bills (espanol)
Appendix F: Income/Resources (espanol)

To provide any information for your pending Medicaid application, re-certification, or case information, please email it to