Payment Options

Payment Options:

Office In-Person:
Tax Office, Administration Building 1014 Main Street Danbury, NC 27016
Office Hours : 8:30am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
Cash, Checks, Money Orders
Credit Cards (Convenience fee of $ .30 + 2.5%)

By Phone:
(336) 443-8711
Credit Cards (Convenience fee of 2.95%, minimum $2.95)
Electronic Checks – Waived

Debit Cards (Convenience fee of $2.95)
Credit Cards (Convenience fee of 2.95%, minimum $2.95)
Electronic Checks - Waived

Note: Drop box is located in middle of parking lot at the Ronald Reagan Memorial Bldg.

By Mail:
Stokes County Tax Office
P.O. Box 57
Danbury, North Carolina 27016
Make checks payable to : Stokes County Tax Collector

The Stokes County Tax Collector will charge a penalty of $25.00 or 10% of the amount of  the check,  whichever is greater,  for all returned checks.
 N.C.G.S. 105-357(2).